1. Couchbase Server Ixa 2018 For Mac
  2. Couchbase Server Ixa 2018 For Mac Review

If you are beginning your software development career using a Mac and are interested in using relational databases like MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure CosmosDB SQL, or Oracle Database, then this article is for you! Now, in the past when I used to run Linux on my laptops, I'd just install each database directly into my environment. Sometimes, I'd face problems like dependency hell, conflicts, and missing native libraries, and would eventually end up running the databases in isolated VirtualBox VMs.

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In today's containerized world, this is in the past. If you really want to make your developer life easier, get used to using Dockerand spinning up databases in containers.

Running RDBMS in containers may not be suited for production, but for development/testing environments, it is the perfect fit. If you haven't already done it, make sure you install and — package managers for Mac OS.

This will be useful not only for this article but pretty much for everything you will eventually install in the future. Prerequisites You will have to install Docker. And while Kitematic is optional, I recommend you download it, as well. It's easier to manage the containers in your system once you create them (start/stop/restart/delete). $ brew cask install docker kitematic Once you have Docker installed, make sure you have an account in the Docker Store —. That will be needed for some of the databases. Once you have your account, log in to it either in the UI or with docker login.

CLIs for Database Clients To connect to a database, you will need a client — ideally, one that you can quickly use via the command-line/terminal. For each database below, you will find two instructions: one to install and start the database using Docker and one to install and connect to that database using a CLI. Most databases provide Client CLI within the Docker image, but I find it extremely useful to have these clients installed so you can easily connect to databases running elsewhere, such as in the cloud, or remote in some server in your intranet. Plus, you can also automate stuff writing scripts.

(Not that you can't do these things with CLI inside Docker it's just my preference.) Getting Started All four major databases provide Docker images these days. And I was closely involved in the build-up of the Docker image for the Oracle Database, gracefully put together by my friend. But the other databases provide very useful and well-assembled Docker images, too, and I am sure you will appreciate them all.

Couchbase Server Ixa 2018 For Mac

So let's begin. MySQL There are two MySQL images on Docker Hub you should be aware of:. I always prefer to use products through tools officially provided by the maker of that product.

Feel free to try #2, but below are instructions for Oracle's MySQL Server. Download and start MySQL container: $ docker run -name=mysql1 -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQLUSER=dev -e MYSQLPASSWORD=dev123 -e MYSQLDATABASE=dev mysql/mysql-server Note the use of special environment variables. Check the of this image for more information and other options, such as how to connect with root. Install MySQL Shell and connect to the database: $ brew cask install mysql-shell $ mysqlsh dev@localhost:3306 Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft has been doing pretty cool stuff in recent years.

Not only they have made this product available for Linux but they now also offer pretty good Docker images for it. Download and start Microsoft SQL Server container: $ docker run -e 'ACCEPTEULA=Y' -e 'SAPASSWORD=SqlServer2017' -p 1433:1433 -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-latest Install and connect using — more details. $ brew tap microsoft/mssql-release $ brew install -no-sandbox mssql-tools Connect to SQL Server: $ sqlcmd -S localhost,1433 -U SA -P SqlServer2017 PostgreSQL This image is provided and supported by the PostgreSQL Docker Community — basically, people at Docker and also folks who are involved in PostgreSQL development. I found this image to also be very straightforward and simple to use.

Download and run PostgreSQL: $ docker run -name mypostgresdb -e POSTGRESPASSWORD=psql123 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres Install and connect using PSQL: $ brew install psqlodbc $ psql -h localhost -U postgres Azure CosmosDB is an interesting Microsoft Azure service that allows developers to use different APIs to connect to the same datastore. For example, you can use CosmosDB as a drop-in replacement for MongoDB, or Cassandra. It also provides a SQL API. You just point an existing application previously developed for one of these databases on CosmosDB and it will just work (well, give or take). It also scales beautifully. The easiest way to use CosmosDB is again, IMO, through the command line.

But to play with it, of course, you will first need an Azure account. Besides giving a few hundreds of dollars for you to use in your first 30 days, Microsoft Azure also has many services that are always free (to certain limits/quotas) and some services that are free in your first 12 months if you activate your subscription during or after the first 30 days. So, go right now and create an account.

Install the Azure CLI., you just use Homebrew: $ brew install azure-cli For Linux, which contains instructions for different package managers and distributions. And if you do decide to play with it, just follow! Oracle Database During my time at Oracle, I led the company's presence on GitHub, helping teams structure their projects and launch newly open-sourced libraries, tools, resources, and sample sets. There was, though, one particular project I was taking care of since the beginning: the repository. And I am extremely proud of the advancements and improvements of developer experience for some key Oracle products that we were able to deliver thanks to Docker and the amazing work from folks like Monica Riccelli, and many other engineers and product managers. In the past, it used to be quite frustrating to install and run Oracle Database for development purposes, but thanks to Gerald and Docker, it is now as simple as it can get. Now, while anyone can go to the docker-images repository, download Dockerfiles, and build their own images for the commercial products, there are also some pre-built images available for common products on the and also on the y server.

Below, I outline the steps required for downloading and running an Oracle Database image from the Docker Store. At this point, I will assume you already have a Docker ID (account). If you don't,.

Go to the page on Docker Store. Click on Proceed to Checkout (the blue button to the right). Log in with your Docker ID.

Fill the form, click on I agree, and then click on Get Content. You should now have access to the image documentation page and instructions for the docker pull command. Now, you can go back to your terminal to continue.

Couchbase Server Ixa 2018 For Mac

In your terminal, log in and pull the Oracle DB image: $ docker login $ docker pull store/oracle/database-enterprise: Sit tight. The image is almost 3GB because it is the (almost) fully featured database, which is nice. Run Oracle Database as a Docker container: $ docker run -d -it — name oracledb -p 1521:1521 store/oracle/database-enterprise: It may take a while, but it will work. Check the docker logs for progress. In the old days, you'd probably connect to Oracle Database using SQL.PLus. In the 21st century, though, you may want to use. This new tool is way more interactive in the terminal than SQL.Plus ever was.

So, I highly recommend you to try it. Besides, it is designed by friends of mine at Oracle, namely. To install SQLcl and connect to the image created above, do the following:.

Couchbase Server Ixa 2018 For Mac Review

Download the ZIP file from. Extract and go to the s qlcl/bin folder on your terminal (feel free to drop a link on /usr/local/bin if you want). Connect to the database: $./sql sys/Oradocdb1@//localhost/ORCLPDB1.localdomain as sysdba Summary I hope this article helps you get started with relational databases easily and painlessly — because no matter what programming language you use, data must be stored!