Main features now: - Autoloading files list after dashcam is connected. File grouping. Frame by frame watching, zomming and screenshots. Various map providers in all layers - Google, Yandex, OpenSteetMaps, Nokia (Here). Liteweight: less then one megabyte! - Don't need the installation (fully portable)!
- Free, and will be free forever! Soon: - Exporting video fragments (cropping and joining). Other GPS formats supporting. Please, discuss all bugs and suggestions with Andrey in this thread. It works, the basics work pretty well.
What I've noticed however is that the file grouping doesn't work properly at all. It's only grouping half of certain journeys; Sometimes it's including the final clip of the previous journey in the next journey; Other times it's not grouping clips at all (I made a continuous 180 mile journey last week - no rest stops so camera constantly powered - and there's no grouping at all for that journey). Upon first loading the app, for a split second it does look like everything gets grouped correctly, but then everything opens up and most of the grouping is gone. It works, the basics work pretty well.
What I've noticed however is that the file grouping doesn't work properly at all. It's only grouping half of certain journeys; Sometimes it's including the final clip of the previous journey in the next journey; Other times it's not grouping clips at all (I made a continuous 180 mile journey last week - no rest stops so camera constantly powered - and there's no grouping at all for that journey). Upon first loading the app, for a split second it does look like everything gets grouped correctly, but then everything opens up and most of the grouping is gone. I recently got ahold of VicoVation Marcus 3.
I've been using RegistratorViewer under windows for months now with no issue viewing files created by a G1W, VicoVation TF2 and VicoVation WF1. However when trying to view files created with my Marcus 3 sometimes my Windows 7 machine fails to load the video into the preview window. My computer flashes comes up with the Blue Error Screen, and reboots itself. After the self reboot my wireless adapter does not function and I have to reboot a second time. I'm not sure what the Marcus 3 could be doing to cause this.