
Put This Game Up For Mac Free

Sony We've all been there. You want to play your PlayStation 4, but someone else is using the TV. Buffalo wli uc gnhp driver for mac pc.

Mac Up Game

There's no need to throw a fit or start an argument. Sony has released an update for the PS4 that allows you to stream games right to your PC or Mac.

About This Mac

It's similar to. The Remote Play feature should work on most desktops and laptops. Machines running Windows 8.1 or higher and OS X Yosemite or higher are supported. Your computer must also have at least 2GB of RAM, a 1,024x768-pixel or higher resolution display, and at least a 2.4GHz Core i5-520M processor. Sony recommends that for best performance you also have an Internet connection with upload and download speeds of at least 12 Mbps.