I thought of making a clear welcome/FAQ thread for unhappy Scirra customers, who are at the moment checking fusion 3 and asking questions about how it compares to Construct3. I posted this in another thread, but then I decided since it's not the start of the thread it would easily be overlooked. Let me know if you can think of more points to add to it or ways to improve the wording.

As a Fusion 2.5 and a Construct2 user - I know both products. This post is my way of explaining why I will not be buying construct3, but will most certainly be supporting clickteam instead. Release date: Clickteam fusion 3 - 2nd half of 2017 Construct 3 - april 2017 Why getting a Fusion3 license is a better investment than renting Construct3 for a year: - Fusion 3 has a powerful visual programming event sheet - no prior programming knowledge required, it is an improvement over the old one and a complete rewrite. Meanwhile Construct3 is just the old construct2 event sheet running inside a web browser Fusion 3's event sheet has addressed limitations of 2.5's event sheet and is now on par with construct's - if not even better: Furthermore reusal of code and eventsheets has been greatly improved and is now on par or even greater than construct's - Fusion 3 addresses all the cons and limitations fusion 2.5 had - the limitations that gave construct 2 an advantage are no longer there! It's built from scratch with a better design and is very powerful - Fusion 3 editor will work natively on windows,linux and mac - all major platforms!


Construct3's editor is written in html5 and runs inside a web browser. This means that funsion 3's editor will run faster and be able to handle memory better than consrtuct Construct3 has one advantage of being able to run on a mobile phone- since it lives in the cloud and is browser based - Fusion 3 does not require subscription fees - you pay once for license, you own the software for life (.upgrade fees might apply for major releases) Construct 3 requires a rental payment of 99$ per year. If you stop paying that, you can no longer edit your game projects- cant use the editor on files that have more than 100 events. Construct 3 project files can not be opened in construct 2- once you start paying in the subscription model, you are locked to it - all of your construct3 made projects are locked to the subscription fees license model. Fusion 3 has easy native exporters- that are reliable for all major platforms (windows,linux,mac,ios,android.) - The games are compiled with pure native performance and a small footprint! Construct 3 still exports games only to html5 and bundles the games with a glorified web browser - meaning a 2mb game gets exported to a 52 mb android apk or an 82 mb windows executable.

This is a problem, because mobile game app stores have a 100 mb size limitation for the apk. The bundled html games perform more poorly and unpredictably than the time you playtest them on a localhost. As a result a lot of construct2 made html5 games have been rejected from the app store in the past - just google scirra's forum - it's full of unhappy devs - Fusion 3 exporters do not require any third party services such as xdk or node.js - for porting of the games.

Fusion 3 editor/games are native and will not break due to things like web browser updates - Fusion 3 does not require you to be connected to the internet in order to use it, does not require you to upload your game to the cloud in order to export it or login with an account every time you start it. On construct3 you can't export your game to any platform unless you are connected to the internet and their server is online - Fusion 3 made projects will continue to work and be editable many years after clickteam has dropped support for f3. Clickteam products are known to have a very long shelf life and support. Your projects will be well preserved and well supported. Construct 3 is guaranteed to stop working after Scirra drops support for it some day.

Construct3 made projects will no longer be editable, even if the user wants to pay the rent fee. It will be like being kicked out of their house, with all of their stuff still in it.

The construct3 editor will disappear and wont even become abandonware- as it lives in the cloud. Fusion 3 is very extendable, you can create plugins with the event sheet alone - Fusion 3 saves project files as simple editable json text files that can be edited externally and that makes it better suited for team projects and github version control. Construct 3 saves binary blobs that can not be edited externally and are difficult for tracking changes.

Fusion 3 exported games will have basic protection against the game assets being ripped. When exporting a game to desktop using Construct, all your assets are located in a file that can be unzipped. Scirra has no plans of putting any protection. Clickteam - fusion 3's creators are the original inventor of visual event sheet programming and their products have a huge back catalog of successful 2d games - much more than construct's dev scene ever had! Looking back in history, prior to founding Scirra - Construct's main developer Ashley used to be a mmf user,who copied a lot of his design ideas from clickteam in order to create Construct Some quotes from Fusion devs. I'll be absolutely honest, I took an old game with a lot of badly optimized code, HD screen resolution intended for desktop-only, loads of layers and extensions (even some 3rd-party that weren't comparable with the exporter and wouldn't build) in Fusion 2.5, and slapped on a thumbstick and compiled my very first ever android apk in F2.5. And it worked.

Perfect performance. Smooth fps and gameplay. I've build hundreds of apks in Cocoon, Phonegap and X D K. And none of them have come out well.

So far, my only 'succesful' compile with cocoon on GooglePlay doesn't even work with some phones (thanks to cocoon, X D K was painful slow). That's just my experience though. We've been clear on this for a long time - we're not doing native exporters. Mac and Linux support (for editor) have been top feature requests for years - so I absolutely do think people were asking for this capability. We did it via the browser, and as we just announced, we will also be doing desktop builds - although they are almost identical to the browser version! Using a folder-based project (e.g. With Git/SVN) is pretty much the only feature you have to use them for - you can do everything else with the browser-based version.

I guess at the end of the day, if you absolutely cannot stand subscriptions, you can either stick with C2 or look for a different tool. Related threads: Fusion 3 devs Q&A on reddit: External reviews. Hi all, I am a user of Construct 2, I have been using this software for several years, and I have created several games, as well as more than 40 tutorials to learn how to use C2, you can visit some of my games on and view my tutorials on ( The publisher does not let me attach my web ) I also have MMF and Fusion 2.5 license, before C2 I started with MMF, but because of its limitations I decided to switch to C2 because it has a very good editor. Like many other users dissatisfied with Scirra and the payment of a fee, we have turned our eyes towards other programs, among them Fusion 3. It seems that Fusion 3 is going to solve many problems dragging from MMF, like the event editor, which seems to be much more flexible, very well done, I'm sure that will attract many disgruntled users of C2. I do not want to fool anyone, I like C2, and C3 will be a great tool, but I'm not willing to pay a fee. Now I have my sights set on Fusion 3, I think at this moment the guys from ClickTeam are doing a great job, congratulations.

The comparison that is above, is not completely true, it is not to criticize or defend anyone, but the information the more true the better, so I clarify some points so that the author can modify the writing if he wants to: - C3 will be able to run offline, you do not need to be connected to the Internet to use it. We still do not know the limitations of the free version.

The Construct event editor is not old, it is good, fast and with a workflow much higher than Fusion 2.5, although this will be matched with Fusion 3 (or that). Please do not take this as a Fusion attack, it is not my intention. Having said this, I wanted to ask the developers, if in Fusion 3 you will be able to work directly with angles, instead of with addresses. I also wanted to ask if we are going to be able to enjoy behaviors for vision, paths, search for paths, isometric, dungeons etc. In an intuitive way, something that in C2 works very well, and is one of its great tricks, Plugins that have to do everything is very great. I make small games, so Html5 for me is important, since I like to make browser games, the exporter of Html5 is going to be up to or close to the C2? The Fusion 2.5 exporter does not work very well, I want to think that in Fusion 3 this will be solved.

And finally, how will the issue of variables, families etc. In Fusion 2.5 is much less intuitive than in C2, I hope that in Fusion 3 is all more logical. As I said before, I am following very closely Fusion 3, now it is my main option, since I do not want to pay a fee for C3. I do not pretend that Fusion 3 is a copy of C3, since every software has its good things and its things Less good, but with all the good that already has Fusion, can come a great program for the joy of us all If Fusion meets my expectations, just like with C2 I have more than 40 tutorials, I will also do tutorials for Fusion 3, I always do tutorials for people who are starting from the software I use. I hope this writing does not offend anyone, I like C2, and I hope Fusion 3 I liked it better, to see if I am a new user of ClickTeam A greeting to all and sorry for my English. I want to welcome all Construct users to our forums.

How Do I Create A Construct 2 Export For Mac Mac


We hope you like what you see and hear. Later this year we will have some information specific to Construct users that you might like to hear.

In the mean time we invite you to check out the Fusion 3 blog here. @Eduardo The subscription license that Scirra is going for seems to be the most common deal breaker for people. One of the main reasons I am leaning to Fusion 3 is actually the developers here.

How Do I Create A Construct 2 Export For Mac Pro

Clickteam tends to be much more supportive and involved with the community than Scirra and that imo is very important. Unfortunately many of the threads in Construct3's new forum that address issues users have with scirra's new offer have been deleted or locked now. User requests to Scirra tend to be ignored or rejected more often. I can't really go in-depth but the converter is not to be taken to a serious development level. It is a nice addition to Fusion 3 but it's not part of the core product really and there are no guarantees. Up to now, I know that it at least may import assets from MFAs, as for events, I can't clarify anything on that at all right now.

Alright thank you for your honest reply Danny! I was thinking maybe I could take my current project to Fusion 3.0 once it's out, you know, to export for consoles. But it does seem a bit unlikely now, might keep this PC-exclusive and once Fusion 3.0 is out start developing my first console release. Well, time will tell! If you want my opinion, I would concentrate on finishing your existing games/apps in Fusion 2.5 before the year end and start all new fresh developments with Fusion 3.

That's not a hint at the F2.5 3 converter, that is just my opinion anyway as Fusion 3 is a whooooooole new ball game and the way you will develop in Fusion 3 will be much smoother, cleaner and you just don't really want to bring any old habits along with you. It will feel really good to start a fresh, clean sheet in Clickteam Fusion 3, believe me!

Today I’m going to share another program you can use to design games. Like my previous post about, I will share details about the software including supporting platforms; system requirements; platforms the game can be exported; pricing; places you can find documentation; and programming languages supported. Take a look at both of these posts, compare, and see which software works best for you. CONSTRUCT 2 Construct 2 is made by Scirra Ltd. This company was founded in 2011, and is based in Twickenham, SW London. After developing Construct in 2007, later they have expanded their software and programmed it to export to several platforms. People can now publish their projects to different mobile devices, most desktop platforms, and the Wii U. With this powerful software, people can make games without learning code.

That’s right, you don’t have to learn programming. Construct 2 does all the work for you. Supporting Platforms. Windows.

Platforms Software Can Export. Windows Desktop. Mac Desktop. Linux Desktop. Web (HTML5). Facebook. Firefox Marketplace.


How Do I Create A Construct 2 Export For Mac

Blackberry. iOS. Android. Windows Phone 8. Tizen. Chrome Web Store.

Amazon App Store. Windows 10, 8 & RT. Wii U Minimum System Requirements. Windows XP Service Pack 3 or newer. 512 MB RAM.

1 GHz Processor. An HTML5 compatible browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Internet Explorer 9+ Pricing Construct 2 is free to try, and you can publish your games to Web, Facebook, and Scirra Arcade. The only downside is that you can’t use it for commercial use unless you purchase the individual or business license, but that’s not too bad if you’re planning on making money with your game. Take a look at the graph below for the features and pricing.