Jake and Sarah met through mutual friend’s right here in Colorado! They were both traveling for work at the time. This made their occasional meetings far and few between. As we all know distance makes the heart grow fonder and it certainly did for them!

They began dating and had the chance of a lifetime to go on a friend’s trip to Costa Rica. It was an absolute blast.


That trip solidified how much they loved one another and wanted to get serious. They grew more serious in their relationship, meeting each other’s family, attending family events and thinking about buying a house. With these big steps they decided it was time to change their jobs. Sarah changed first leaving Kagan. In-between full time jobs she worked for their friend Hattie Balmer on The Sustainable Spoon food truck. She brought in her catering experience and bubbly personality as a window server. Jake continued the hard grind in Williston, ND.

He worked very hard and began to put the bug in his management’s ear that changes were coming. He finished 2017 strong and came home to Loveland December 11, 2017! Family and friends threw him a much deserved welcome home party! Jake and Sarah spent both Thanksgiving and Christmas in El Paso, TX, Jake’s hometown. They were able to drive down for both holidays to spend time with the family. Jake proposed December 25, 2017.

The story goesJake wanted to watch a good ‘ol Texas sunrise for Christmas. Sarah didn’t think much of it. Working in the oil fields with insane hours Jake fell in love with the beauty of sunrises and sunsets. Also, since Jake is a photographer he has an eye for color and lighting. So they rolled out of bed super early Christmas morning and drove up Trans Mountain in El Paso. Jake found just the right spot to park for the best view.

Now Sarah was in her matching Christmas green plaid pajamas and was incredibly tired. Although she appreciates nature it sure was early!

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Just before the sun peaked over the horizon Jake convinced her to get out of the truck. The sun was INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL. The fiery round ball peeked over the horizon and started casting its rays of joy everywhere.

They hue of pinks began to light up the mountain. This was Jake’s chance. So he had Sarah turn around to view the beauty, color and intensity of the morning sunlight. As she twirled back around blabbering about how lovely it was and that she was very glad to be up this early seeing the sunrise. Jake was down on one knee with the most exquisite diamond ring sparkling in the morning light.

Sarah’s was shocked and said something silly and Jake had to hush her to ask if she would be his wife. This moment in time froze. It was something they had both dreamed of and the reality was overwhelmingly wonderful!