Kindle Previewer is a free desktop application that enables authors, publishers and eBook service providers to preview how their books will appear when delivered to Kindle customers, and makes it easy to audit books for different screen sizes, display orientations and font sizes. Kindle Previewer supports previewing your book with the latest typographic and layout improvements that come with Enhanced Typesetting. Some of these improvements include higher quality images, better table formatting and font alignments, smoother word spacing, hyphenation, kerning and ligatures.

We recommend you use the latest Kindle Previewer 3 to review how your books look as a best practice while formatting and before publishing. With Enhanced Typesetting, Kindle Previewer provides a better reflection of your book layout as delivered to customers’ devices. You can get a bird’s-eye view of your book to quickly validate the overall layout, and selectively preview key aspects of your Enhanced Typesetting enabled book such as images, tables, dropcaps, links and lists without having to go through the entire book.

Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What are the new features and improvements in Kindle Previewer 3? The new features and improvements in Kindle Previewer 3 are:. Get a bird’s-eye view of your Enhanced Typesetting enabled book to validate the overall layout faster.

Easy navigation options to review images, lists, tables and dropcaps without having to go through the entire book. Regular updates with access to latest Kindle layout and typographic features that come with Enhanced Typesetting. Reflects the layout of the book as delivered to Kindle customers with the latest Enhanced Typesetting features. Simplified installer for Mac and Windows that does not require you to manually download additional software. Full-page previews without having to scroll. Ability to change the fonts during preview.

Separate navigation pane for quicker page navigation. Faster text search, page navigation, and book re-open. How do I get started using Kindle Previewer 3?

First, download and install Kindle Previewer 3. Launch the application, use Menu  Open Book and follow the instructions to open, convert and preview a book. You may refer the user guide from Menu  Help  Kindle Previewer 3 User Guide for more instructions. How is Kindle Previewer different from Kindle Create or Kindle Create Add-in for Microsoft Word? Kindle Previewer helps you preview and validate how your books will appear when delivered to Kindle customers before you publish.

Kindle Create and Kindle Create Add-in for Microsoft Word help you format books for Kindle. You can read more about these two tools on this. If you are using Kindle Create or Kindle Add-in for Microsoft Word, you can use the inbuilt previewer to see how your book will look for Kindle customers. You do not have to download and install Kindle Previewer separately. What is Enhanced Typesetting? Here are 5 best image viewers for mac download.

Enhanced Typesetting provides a series of typographical and layout features that enable a better reading experience with less strain on the eyes. Books that are supported for Enhanced Typesetting also get unique Kindle features such as Page Flip. Some of the benefits include-. Typography - Nicer drop caps, hyphenation, smoother word spacing, kerning and ligatures. Layout Features – Higher quality images, font alignments and table formatting. Reading Experience – Page-Flip to easily navigate within a book while reading and Progressive download, so that customers can start reading a book while it is still downloading.You can read more about Page Flip. You can read more about the benefits of Enhanced Typesetting.

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How will I know whether my book is compatible with Enhanced Typesetting or not?. While previewing a book compatible with Enhanced Typesetting on Kindle Previewer, you will see an indication of it in the inspector window that looks like this:. Checking for Page flip is the easiest way to confirm that a book on your device supports Enhanced Typesetting. You can watch our video to see Page Flip in action. To check if your published book on the store supports Enhanced Typesetting, look for the 'Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled' indicator on the book’s detail page. My book is not compatible with Enhanced Typesetting. What should I do to make it compatible with Enhanced Typesetting?

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We are actively working to provide guidance so that you can ensure that your book supports Enhanced Typesetting. Meanwhile, we continue to expand the capabilities of Enhanced Typesetting and we will automatically enable it for your book on the store when possible. You need not resubmit your book. When Enhanced Typesetting is enabled for your book, you will see 'Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled' on that book’s detail page. What are the devices and applications on which Enhanced Typesetting is enabled?

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Enhanced typesetting is enabled on the following Kindle devices and applications.